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Today’s Makin’s Chicken Broth


Today I made some chicken broth. I’ve made it before and posted my recipe. It was just one of those days. I had found some whole organic chicken’s on sale for 5.00 each. How can you pass that up? I got a ton of chicken broth from it and 5 meals. I froze the chicken broth for future use. I think that you should make the best use out of all of your products. I’ve even taken bones and froze them to add to my pot. Nothing goes to waste. You don’t even have to use whole chickens. A while back our grocery store had a summer blow out sale. Basically, they had chicken breasts, thighs, and legs SUPER CHEAP. You can definitely do that.

I know this isn’t my traditional recipe entry, but I wanted to come back to this and reshare. If you don’t take anything from my blog, I hope that you do take this tip. First off, making your own chicken broth is amazing! Secondly, it really is cost effective. You can multi purpose that chicken. I got several meals from mine. A lot of people are afraid it’s complicated to make, but it really is one of the most simple things you’ll do. Anyway Enjoy and don’t forget to check out the recipe!! It’s tagged in blue at the beginning of the post.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Makin’s Chicken Broth”

  1. Since my freezer is crowded right now I canned 3 pints of chicken broth yesterday. I agree with you about making your own broth. I am going to roast a chicken today that I bought on sale yesterday. I will use the bones for broth after we finish the chicken. Thanks for sharing.


    1. I love this. You’re a person after my own heart. There is definitely something special about making your own…well everything! I often use my whole chicken to make my broth and then I shred the meat for a easy meal later. I just used my last batch to make chicken casserole. Such a time saver!


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